Thursday, December 19, 2013

Signing Ceremony at Michakaini A Primary School in Chakechake

 Michakaini “A” Primary School pupils singing in front of the guests, that included the Ambassador of Japan, H.E. Mr. Masaki Okada, Prof. Ibrahim Lipumba, the Chairman of CUF, Hon. Mr. Dadi Faki Dadi, Ag. Regional Commissioner of South Pemba Region and Hon. Ms. Mwanajuma Majid Abdulla, Chakechake District Commissioner.
 The Ambassador of Japan, H.E. Mr. Masaki Okada, giving a speech in Swahili in front of the guests, Michakaini “A” Primary School pupils and parents.
 Michakaini “A” Primary School pupils and some of their parents attending the Signing Ceremony.
 The Ambassador of Japan, H.E. Mr. Masaki Okada, and the Chairman of the Parents Committee of Michakaini “A” Primary School, Mr Nassor Harith Mohamed, sign the grant contract for “The Project for Reconstruction of a Two-storey Classroom Block at Michakaini A Primary School in Chakechake Town, South Pemba Region”. Watching on the right is Prof. Ibrahim Lipumba, Chairman of CUF.
 The Ambassador of Japan, H.E. Mr. Masaki Okada, and the Chairman of Parents Committee of Michakaini “A” Primary School, Mr Nassor Harith Mohamed, exchanging contracts after the signing ceremony at Michakaini Primary School.
 The Ambassador of Japan, H.E. Mr. Masaki Okada, in a group photo with other guests and Michakaini “A” Primary School pupils and parents.
Michakaini “A” Primary School Head Teacher, Ms. Neema Mwalim Khamis, describing the school environment to Ambassador of Japan, H.E. Mr. Masaki Okada. Watching from left is Mr. Abdulla Mzee Abdulla, Deputy Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, Prof. Ibrahim Lipumba, the Chairman of CUF and Hon. Mr. Dadi Faki Dadi, Ag. Regional Commissioner of South Pemba Region (standing behind the Head Teacher).

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